What is Roof Maxx Restoration Technology?

Save Money and Your Roof With Roof Maxx

Roof Maxx is a fast, tested, and affordable alternative to an expensive asphalt roof replacement. The Roof Maxx® treatment is sprayed onto dried shingles and rehydrates the asphalt with essential oil beads. This method restores flexibility so the shingle can contract and grow without breaking while extending the waterproofing protection.

Watch this video to learn more about Roof Maxx and see how this 100% natural, plant-based treatment is strengthening asphalt roofs across the country.


With our fast, non-disruptive application, we can lengthen your residential asphalt roof’s life up to 15 years with treatments done once every 5 years up to three times.


Our Idaho Falls roof treatment can be applied to a majority of commercial roofs at 20% of the cost of most roof replacements and you can deduct it from your taxes the year you pay for it.

1. We'll assess your roof.

During our assessment, we will decide if your roof is a good candidate for our treatment. If yes, we will schedule an appointment to apply the treatment. If no, we will explain why and share whether we found any big issues that need repairing.


2. We'll apply Roof Maxx.

We will complete a roof tune-up and then spray Roof Maxx to your roof. The entire application process does not take more than a couple of hours.

3. We provide a 5-year flexibility warranty.

Once the Roof Maxx application is complete and dried, your roof will gain another five years of life. We guarantee it. And if you end up moving within that time, our warranty is transferable to the new property owner.
